Is the wallpaper environmentally friendly?

Written By Sabrina Oudekerk (Administrator)

Updated at January 16th, 2025

Absolutely! Our wallpaper is completely PVC-free and contains no harmful substances. Our non-woven wallpaper is FSC-certified, meets the strict European B1 fire safety standard and the latest regulations for VOC emissions. We use water-based ink, which is odourless and not harmful to your health or the environment. This makes our wallpaper ideal for children's rooms, hospitals and childcare centres.

In addition, our printers work with the latest technologies and software, allowing us to print efficiently and keep waste to a minimum – better for you and the environment!

Non-woven wallpaper

We print our photo wallpaper with HP Latex printers, where the ink is water-based. These printers have all the environmental certificates, so they do not release any harmful fumes or air pollutants. The HP Latex inks are UL ECOLOGO® certified, which means that they meet strict environmental criteria aimed at both human well-being and environmental protection.


MuralTex is made of 100% polyester and is of course PVC-free. We use eco-friendly sublimation inks, which are water-based and do not generate any waste during the printing process. This reduces the risk of water pollution, because no water is needed during the dyeing process. Furthermore, our sublimation inks are Eco Passport certified and MuralTex itself has several environmental and energy certifications, such as Energy Star® and EPEAT® Bronze.


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