I want the same wallpaper on two (or more) walls, how do I indicate this?

Written By Henk (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 17th, 2025

Would you like a single large image to flow seamlessly across multiple walls? Take a look at our patterns or inquire about panorama images.

Please note: that images are scaled based on the dimensions you provide. If you enter different dimensions for each wall, the image will appear larger or smaller on one wall than on the other. This is probably not what you want.

To ensure the image flows seamlessly, we recommend entering the total width of all walls as one combined measurement. Keep in mind that depending on the design, a part of the image may be cropped. This varies per image.

Need help or unsure about the process? Feel free to contact us at hello@wallgroup.com. 

We’re happy to help you find the best solution!