What is the maximum size for my wallpaper?

Written By Henk (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 17th, 2025

Our non-woven wallpaper rolls have a maximum size of 310 x 19,500 cm, which means we can produce wallpaper up to these dimensions. However, non-woven wallpaper is always divided into equal strips.

For example, do you have a wall measuring 500 x 500 cm? No problem! We simply split the wallpaper into two parts, so we can produce almost any size with non-woven wallpaper.

For MuralTex, the process is slightly different. This wallpaper is produced in one single piece and is not cut into strips. This means you will receive seamless wallpaper. However, it is important that one of the two dimensions (width or height) does not exceed 310 cm. This limitation is due to the capacity of our cutting machines.

Do you have any questions or specific requirements? Feel free to contact us, we’re happy to help!