How much wallpaper paste do I need?

Written By Sabrina Oudekerk (Administrator)

Updated at January 16th, 2025

We offer different packages of wallpaper paste on our website, suitable for each type of wallpaper that we supply. Each package clearly states for how many square meters the paste is suitable, so that you know exactly how much you need. We offer paste in 2 variants: powder paste and ready-to-use paste.


What types of glue do you have?

Powder Glue

Powder paste for wallpaper is basically just a dry mixture that you dilute with water to make a paste. It’s ideal because you can make it exactly as thick as you need for your wallpapering job. You stir the powder into water and after a few minutes you have a smooth, firm paste. It’s strong enough to hold wallpaper securely to the wall, but it also gives you just enough time to move and adjust before it dries.

Ready-to-use glue

Ready-mixed wallpaper paste is exactly what it says: a paste that has already been mixed for you and can be used straight from the jar or tube. No messing around with water and stirring, just remove the lid and spread it on. It is usually a bit thicker and super handy if you want to get started straight away, without waiting. Ideal for smaller wallpapering jobs or if you just want to be done quickly. It is a bit more expensive than powder paste, but you save time and mess.


Choose the right glue for the type of wallpaper

Please note: it is important to choose the right glue for your type of wallpaper. Glue for non-woven wallpaper is not suitable for MuralTex seamless wallpaper. Wallpaper for MuralTex is heavier and stronger, because the material is thicker. So always order the right type of glue for a perfect result!


You can view and order all our accessories, including wallpaper paste, via this link .